Sunday, 31 March 2013

Insane New Space Race

Earth rising from the Moon
Space exploration has long been about reaching far off destinations but now there's a race to exploit new frontiers by mining their minerals.

When Neil Armstrong first stepped on the Moon in 1969, it was part of a "flags and footprints" strategy to beat the Soviets, a triumph of imagination and innovation, not an attempt to extract precious metals.

No-one knew there was water on that dusty, celestial body. What a difference a generation makes.

Mysterious and beautiful, the Moon has been a source of awe and inspiration to mankind for millennia. Now it is the centre of a space race to mine rare minerals to fuel our future - smart phones, space-age solar panels and possibly even a future colony of Earthlings.

"We know that there's water on the Moon, which is a game-changer for the solar system. Water is rocket fuel. It also can support life and agriculture. So exploring the Moon commercially is a first step towards making the Moon part of our world, what humanity considers our world," says Bob Richards, CEO of Silicon Valley-based Moon Express, one of 25 companies racing to win the $30m in Google Lunar X Prizes.

It is considered to be among the top-three teams in the running for the prize. The other two are Pittsburgh-based Astrobiotic and Barcelona Moon Team.

Google's $20m first prize will be awarded to the first privately funded company to land a robot on the Moon that successfully explores the surface by moving at least 500m and sends high-definition video back to Earth.

A second place team stands to win $5m for completing the same mission, with bonus prizes for teams that travel more than 5km or find water. The deadline is 2015.

Bob Richards, CEO of Moon Express

Bob Richards looks forward to the day the Moon hosts a colony of mining robots

But $30m is a relatively small amount of money when it comes to funding a Moon mission. The companies competing have business models far beyond the Google prize, with the real prize being the potential treasure trove of valuable minerals.

"The most important thing about the Moon is probably the stuff we haven't even discovered," says Mr Richards. "But what we do know is that there could be more platinum-group metals on the surface of the Moon than all of the reserves of Earth. The race is on."

But can anyone own the Moon, and what happens if multiple companies and countries succeed in getting there?

What might be on the Moon?

Lunar landing in 1969

  • So-called rare-earth minerals, which are used in a range of technologies. Currently, they are refined almost exclusively in China
  • Water frozen in the dark recesses of polar craters, which according to Nasa can be split into hydrogen for rocket fuel and oxygen for breathing
  • Helium-3 (He-3), which apparently exists in abundance on the Moon. Some believe He-3 could be a future energy source
  • Valuable titanium deposits

According to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty no nation can own the Moon, and most people believe that extends to individuals and companies. But would-be Moon miners can have something like property rights. And there is an advantage to getting there first and staking claims.

"Appropriation and ownership is not allowed under the treaty, but free access exploitation is encouraged," says space lawyer James Dunstan. "You can't own it, but you can go there and use it, so how do we balance those two?"

China has plans to land a probe on the Moon later this year and astronauts by 2020. Because China's lunar plans are more ambitious than most, some fear they may get too much control of the moon.

Dunstan does not think China would flout international laws to gain an upper hand in space, but it will be difficult to police.

"Trade sanctions would be very harsh if there were a rogue country or rogue corporation driving around ripping up other people's stuff."

If Moon Express and others are right, it's conceivable that in the future the lunar surface could host a colony of mining robots and astronauts who could use the Moon as a base to explore further into the solar system.

Alastair Leithead gets a look at the prototype Lunar Express lander

Richards believes humans will discover ways to live on the Moon permanently.

"We're becoming a multi-world species. That will happen. The first footprints on Mars by human beings will happen in our lifetime in the next 10 to 20 years," he says.

"People, themselves, will be transformed. They'll be merging with their technologies. And that which we call human will become redefined as we find how to reprogramme our bodies to live longer, how we find machines that are able to symbiotically work with us to cure disease.

"So that which we consider human today will continue to evolve."

Moon Express, which has its offices at Nasa Ames' research centre, is funded by entrepreneur Naveen Jain.

Jain says that location is key because he believes Silicon Valley will become the home to space pioneers.

what if season
What if we could stay young forever? What if everyone had a car? What If? is a season across BBC News looking at visions of the future.
What If (special report)

"We are those crazy people who think that every idea is a crazy idea until we make it happen and then people say, 'Of course'," he says.

So, if we're going to live on the Moon one day, shouldn't we worry about polluting it? Won't armies of digging robots mess up our future real estate?

Nasa planetary scientist Margarita Marinova thinks we won't make the same mistakes in space that we've made on Earth and that man can't afford to explore space without tapping the local resources to survive.

"For me, it's a little hard because I do see these planets as very beautiful and very pristine in a way we don't really have on Earth anymore, and so the idea of mining is a little difficult," she says.

Apollo 11 leaves the moon in 1969

The potential resources from the Moon are vast. M Darby Dyar, a professor of astronomy at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, says the reservoirs of water ice in the dark, polar regions of the Moon probably come from comets that hit the moon over the past four billion years, and that future moon miners could strike it rich with precious metals in ancient lunar rocks.

But even if no company makes the 2015 deadline to win the Google Prize, Dyar says the Google Lunar prize has already yielded returns on Earth.

"I lived through the excitement of the Apollo era, my father helped design thrusters on the lunar landing modules and those remembered feelings of patriotism and wonder about the universe are what brought me into lunar science in the first place.

"When I hand a child a meteorite and tell her that it's four billion years old, her entire frame of reference changes, and that's what science should do. Not everyone wants to be a scientist but everyone can get excited about and learn to respect and understand its breakthroughs.

"Competitions like this bring science to the public's eyes. Where better than the Moon, which seems so close to us?"

The Luna Sequence

The Luna Sequence is the Electronic Rock project of Kaia Young. Having had an interest in electronic composition spurred on by the discovery of 90s dance and techno, followed by an immersion in the local college punk & metal scene, Young has synthesized diverse influences into a nascent hybrid form of Drum & Bass, Electronica, Metal, and Punk that has solidified over the course of four releases since early 2009.

While so far purely instrumental, the output of The Luna Sequence is both deeply emotive and highly cerebral in nature; it is a vehicle for both Young’s own internal emotional processes and her examination of the imperfect complexities of the human psyche at large, a theme reflected in the origin of the project’s name. Kaia explains: “The name was taken from a policy review of a psych facility. The author proposed a theory he jokingly called ‘The Luna Sequence’ regarding the residents’ self-abuse and suicide attempts during full moon cycles. The facility had a policy of preemptively locking everyone in isolation rooms before the full moon, and the author couldn’t understand why an otherwise well adjusted and behaved person would try to hurt themselves when put in isolation ‘for their protection’. People will be dysfunctional if you convince them that they are dysfunctional…” Most of the project’s releases have investigated a variety of such cognitive oddities that plague human-kind.

While the debut EP, Underneath, was simply an experiment in creation, the full length album that followed in 2009, titled They Follow You Home, was a conceptual narrative. In her own words, Young explored “the profound impact of negative messages targeted towards minorities in our culture. Rather than merely being reacted or responded to, these messages can become internalized, causing the targets to loathe and blame themselves for their oppression, resulting in self-destruction.”

2010’s After Sunfall EP seemed to represent The Luna Sequence distilled - the song-writing was tighter and more well rounded, the electronica hooks stronger than ever while also packed into fewer songs overall. On this EP, Young dealt with the discrimination often leveled at her as a minority. “The overall theme of the record is the process of questioning of the duality of human nature, and how it allows us to resent those who embody and express what we are afraid to recognize in ourselves.”

The new 2011 EP, Persona, explores yet another piece of the human psyche puzzle. Young explains, “The general concept is reflecting on the ways we lie to ourselves and others to survive. It’s not necessarily a condemnation of it, just an observation and exploration. I’ve always been interested in the way that we can deny or ignore fundamental truths in fear of what the implications could mean.” Persona builds on top of the cohesion of After Sunfall, delivering another six tightly-wound songs that merge a variety of genres into succinct emotional statements of sound.

In addition to these standard releases, The Luna Sequence has also become a star player in the online remix community FiXT Remix, winning first place in Celldweller’s “Frozen” remix contest in 2007 and having since placed in nearly a dozen other contests for other artists including Blue Stahli, I Will Never Be The Same, Sybreed, and Atlas Plug.

Friday, 29 March 2013

KORN Feat the Mighty Skrillex - Narcissistic Cannibal Truly Amazing

This is a viceo for the ultimate Korn Track from the Album Path to Totality. Narcissistic Cannibal is an amzing combination of Electronic and Rock Genres With Korn fronting and The Mighty Skrillex Backing them up.
This Track is Insane but seriously amazing.


Munster - Insane





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Limp Bizkit - Eat You Alive - Insane

"Eat You Alive" is the title of a song by the American rock band Limp Bizkit. It was released in September 2003 as a single from their fourth studio album Results May Vary (2003). The song was written by Fred Durst, John Otto, Sam Rivers and Mike Smith, and is Limp Bizkit's first single without Wes Borland, who had left the band in 2003

Read more here


Insane Cancer joke

Hmmmmm True

Insane Abortion Joke

Insane Handicaped Toilet


Insane Mayan Calender

Yeah it's Spain's Fault the Mayans didn't finish their calendar!!!

Insane Toilet Religion

The Toilet Religion

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Insane Lottery Winner

Gullible Twat

Insane French

Sums it up perfectly


Online Marketing
Add blog to our directory.

Dog's Insane

Dog's Insane!!!

Insane name for a Town

Just another village in Australia.

Insane Australia

Only in Australia, LMFAO

Insane Holiday In Australia

Holy Shit, this isn't what you want to see in your Hotel room When you arrive in Australia!!!!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Red Bull - Athlete Machine Kluge Totally insane

This is Awesome Get on Red Bull Guys and Gals! Insane!!!

Insane Bedroom Tax

He's A Politician What more can I say, He's a Liar and a Thief!!!

If your not Insane already this Man will drive you there and not in a good way!

When crime rates soar and homelessness soars and poverty soars, When people Die because they can't afford to eat, they cant afford to heat their homes, They cant afford BASIC essentials Will this Man be held accountable for his actions? I doubt it! This Government only targets the poor - He's a Millionaire what does he care?

A forthcoming change in housing benefit rules has been dubbed the "bedroom tax" by Labour and, for many, the name has stuck.

Strictly speaking, though, it is not a tax at all.

The government argues the changes will help cut the £23bn annual bill for housing benefit, free up more living space for overcrowded families, and encourage people to get jobs.

But housing charities are warning that the result will be higher levels of rent arrears, and greater homelessness.

The government estimates that over half a million tenants will be affected when the new rules take effect in April this year. It says the savings to the taxpayer will amount to £505m in 2012-13, and £540m in the year after.

What is changing?

The new rules will affect housing benefit, which is paid to less well-off tenants to help with rent. Typically claimants receive between £50 and £100 a week.

But from April 2013 families deemed to have too much living space by their local authorities will receive a reduced payment. Under the government's so-called "size criteria", families will be assessed for the number of bedrooms they actually need.

Who will be affected?

This change affects council tenants, and those who rent from housing associations, who are housing benefit claimants. It does not affect private sector tenants who are already subject to certain rules.

The government estimates that 655,000 households will have their benefit cut, roughly a third of social sector claimants. Only those of working age will see reduced payments.

But foster carers and families of armed services personnel will be exempt from controversial changes to housing benefit, ministers have said.

Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said the 5,000 approved foster carers in the UK would continue to receive rent payments towards an "additional room" as long as they have fostered a child or become an approved foster carer in the previous 12 months.

And families with adult children serving in the armed forces will also be exempt from the changes, even when on overseas deployment. They will be treated as if they were continuing to live at home.

How much will people lose?

If tenants are deemed to have one spare room, the amount of rent eligible for housing benefit will be cut by 14%. If they have two or more spare rooms, the cut will be 25%.

The government says that will mean an average loss of about £14 a week for council tenants. Those who rent from housing associations are facing an average loss of about £16 a week.

How many bedrooms are you allowed?

The new rules allow one bedroom for each adult or couple. Children under the age of 16 are expected to share, if they are the same gender. Those under 10 are expected to share whatever their gender.

Disabled tenants will be allowed a bedroom for full-time live-in or overnight carers. If a full-time carer is a husband, wife or partner, then they will be expected to share a room. However, they can apply for a discretionary housing payment from their local authority if the disability means the partner needs to sleep in another room.

Discretionary support should remain in place for "priority groups" such as disabled people whose homes have had to be significantly adapted and those with long-term medical conditions which create difficulties in sharing a bedroom.

The number of bedrooms in the property will be determined by the landlord's tenancy agreement, so you cannot claim a bedroom is actually a living room.

Can I keep a spare bedroom?

Not without losing benefit. Parents who are separated are not allowed to keep a vacant bedroom for a child who visits.

Bereaved families will be given a year's exemption to rearrange their housing affairs.

What about students?

From April, parents will not be penalised if a student is away, as long as he or she sleeps at home for at least two weeks a year. But when universal credit comes in from this autumn, students will need to be at home for at least six months to avoid a benefit cut.

What about lodgers?

From April, claimants with a paying lodger will be allowed to keep the first £20 of weekly rent. But housing benefit will be then be cut, pound for pound, on the rest of the rent they receive.

However, after universal credit is established, housing benefit will be cut, but tenants will be allowed to keep all the rental income (although only the first £4,250 of annual rent is free of income tax).

Are pensioners exempt?

From April 2013, if either half of a couple are of pensionable age, they will not see reductions to housing benefit.

Under universal credit, both will need to be over pensionable age, or one will need to be in receipt of pension credit, in order to qualify for the maximum benefit.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Insane FM

Listen to InsanedetailS’s personal radio station (1,715 tracks played). InsanedetailS’s top artists: Linkin Park, Korn, Limp Bizkit.

#Caturday insane fails

#caturday insane cat fails!!!!

Insane #StarTrek

My mate was reading a magazine when he said to me, "I'd give my right arm to go to this Star Trek convention in America."

I said, "Yeah, but then you'd have no sex life at all, would you?"

Insane #Caturday

I said to my two-year-old son, "Now, what noise does a cat make?"


"Good, but do you know what noise a dog makes?"

"Woof woof!"

"That's right! Now tell me what noise a cow makes?"

"David, if you even think about going out to that fucking pub with your friends then you can forget about ever being let back in this house!"

That's my boy.

Insane Dwarf

This morning on the way to work I drove into the back of a car, at some lights, whilst not really paying attention.

The driver got out and he was a dwarf.

He said, "I'm not happy."

I replied, "Well, which one are you then?"

Music For The Insane

This track is InsaNe, Love It!!!

Friday, 22 March 2013


Insane Plasma Technology

Join a small team of rocket designers as they open a window into the future of space travel. Stirring music from Digital Republic.

Modern science has linked polar light shows, called auroras, to vast waves of electrified gas hurled in our direction by the sun. Today, researchers from a whole new generation see this dynamic substance, plasma, as an energy source that may one day fuel humanity's expansion into space. What can we learn, and how far can we go, by tapping into the strange and elusive fourth state of matter?

Since the dawn of rocketry, we've relied on the same basic technology to get us off the ground. Fill a cylinder with volatile chemicals, then ignite them in a controlled explosion. The force of the blast is what pushes the rocket up. Nowadays, chemical rockets are the only ones with enough thrust to overcome Earth's gravity and carry a payload into orbit. But they are not very efficient.

The heavier the payload, the more fuel a rocket needs to lift it into space. But the more fuel a rocket carries, the more fuel it needs. For long-range missions, most spacecraft rely on their initial launch speed to essentially coast to their destination. Flight planners often design routes that give the craft a gravity assist by sending it around the moon or another planet. One small cadre of scientists believes it has a quicker and more efficient way to get around in space.

Dr. Ben Longmier and his team from the University of Michigan have traveled to Fairbanks, Alaska to play a small part in a much larger push to revolutionize space travel and exploration.

The team plans to use helium balloons to send components of a new type of rocket engine to an altitude of over 30 kilometers, above 99% of Earth's atmosphere. The purpose is to test these components within the harsh environment of space. While astronauts train to live and work in zero gravity, or to move around in bulky space suits, these would-be space explorers are preparing to negotiate some of Earth's harshest environments.

Once they launch their payload, they have to retrieve it wherever it comes down in Alaska's vast snowy wilderness. The idea they are pursuing is nothing short of revolutionary. It's a type of rocket that promises far greater gas mileage than other rockets, and enough power to reach distant targets. It runs on the same fuel that nature uses, literally, to power the universe: plasma.

Insane and Baltic

This is a video showing a SECOND possibly UFO Anomaly in the Baltic sea.

Insane Traffic Warden

Insane Traffic Warden Game, Way to piss him off Dude!!!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Insane "D*ck Head Prank"

Insane "Dick Head Prank" By You Tubes own Angry Love 77

Insane Koala

Insane Koala

Insane Hover boarding

Insane Hover boarding, only happens when there is no one there to see it....

Insane Night Out

Alcohol can make you do some seriously insane shit!!!

Insane Penguins

Insane Penguins, suicidal but funny

Insane Dog diet

Insane Dog Diet

Insane Statistics

Insane Statistics

Monday, 18 March 2013

Insane Bath Salts

Insane Bath salts, hell of a drug

Insane Shark Fishing

Brave? Stupid? Insane?

Shark Fishing, F*cking insane!!!

Insanity by ole Albert

Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Insane Religion

Is Religion Insane? or are you insane for believing it?

Insane Questions

insane questions

Music for the insane

Limp Bizkit Break Stuff

Insane Detailing

Insane Detailing from the legend that is Paul Dalton. He shows how to use 3M products properly.

Insane Driving

Insane Driving from the czech's